imageimageHello, my beautiful people –

Remember when, back in December, I wrote that I’d like to begin bike touring? Well, I have.

And in a pretty grandiose style to boot.

I’m riding across Australia! The plan: Exmouth to Augusta, then eastward.

I’m showing this country what’s what.

Sure, I didn’t want to come here in the first place, but that doesn’t mean I won’t make the most of it. Australia’s beautiful, and has a LOT to offer. It’s not my country, not my home, but dammit I’m here and I’m going to experience it.

The first leg of my trip, Exmouth to Augusta, is about 1600 km and will take me 3-4 weeks. Then, I’ll meet my man (yes, new relationship, and with an adventurer to boot) and we’ll tag-team it eastward. He’s not a cyclist, but a chef, and so will drive his van a day or so ahead of me then wait (with dinner!) for me to catch up.

Well, that’s the plan at least. Look for updates here whenever I have cell reception.

It’s Australia, after all. There’s a lot of outback. But no worries, mate – I’m bringing heaps of water.

Lots of love, emus, and open roads,




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